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New Classicists 05

New Classicists 05

Article 1: Noga Erez-Yodfat (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) Article 2: Giulia Frigerio (University of Kent) Article 3: Harry Triggs (Royal Holloway, University of London) Article 4: George Brocklehurst (The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London) Article 5: Book review of Morales, H. (2020). Antigone Rising: The Subversive Power of the Ancient Myths by Abbie Jukes (The Queen Mary University of London)

New Classicists 04

New Classicists 04

Article 1: Dr Andrew Fox (University of Nottingham) Article 2: Jessica Venner (University of Birmingham) Article 3: Gerard R. Ventós & Gerard Cabezas-Guzmán (Universitat de Girona) Article 4: Matt Thompson (University of Nottingham) Article 5: Natalie Smith (University of Edinburgh|)

New Classicists 03

New Classicists 03

Article 1: Marta Antola (Durham University) Article 2: Anactoria Clarke (Open University) Article 3: Doukissa Kamini (University of Reading) Article 4: Claire Pérez (Université Jean Moulin, Lyon) Article 5: Rioghnach Sachs (King's College London) Article 6: Chen Xiong (King's College London)

New Classicists 01

New Classicists 01

Article 1: Richard Kendall (University of Birmingham) Aricle 2: Maria Galanaki (Democritus University of Thrace) Article 3: Ben Salisbury (University of Birmingham) Article 4: Lauren Murphy La Trobe University) Book review of Fratantuono, L. M., and Smith, R. (2018). Virgil, Aeneid 8, Leiden, The Netherlands: BRILL. by Billie Hall (l'Université de Lille)

New Classicists 02

New Classicists 02

Introduction about the topic from Amy Lewis (University of Pennsylvania) Article 1: Laurie Porstner (Rutgers) Article 2: Kevin Stuart Lee (The University of Texas at Austin) Article 3: Sherry Huang (Texas Tech University)


Noga Erez-Yodfat

Noga Erez-Yodfat

(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) Senses and the Embodied Mind of the Initiate in Ancient Mystery Cults

Giulia Frigerio

Giulia Frigerio

(University of Kent) The Impact of the Laurel on Apolline Divination: Affecting the Mind Without the Use of Drugs

Harry Triggs

Harry Triggs

(Royal Holloway, University of London) How do the Galli of the Magna Mater cult occupy gendered space in Latin Literature?

George Brocklehurst

George Brocklehurst

(The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London) Philosophy and Pedagogy in Horace Epistles I

Abbie Jukes

Abbie Jukes

(The Queen Mary University of London) Book review of Morales, H. (2020). Antigone Rising: The Subversive Power of the Ancient Myths

Dr Andrew Fox

Dr Andrew Fox

(University of Nottingham) Mitigating Pollution in Ancient Rome’s Green Spaces

Jessica Venner

Jessica Venner

(University of Birmingham) Rus ‘Becomes’ Urbs: Hard and Soft Landscape Elements in the Gardens of Pompeii

Gerard R.Ventós & Gerard Cabezas-Guzmán

Gerard R.Ventós & Gerard Cabezas-Guzmán

(Universitat de Girona) ‘Liquid spaces’ in NE Hispania Citerior during the Mid-Republican period: Introducing a new reality

Matt Thompson

Matt Thompson

(University of Nottingham) Sparta and Athens: A monumental confrontation

Natalie Smith

Natalie Smith

(University of Edingburgh) Revisiting the Anonymous 'Pilgrim' from Bordeaux: Defining Characteristics of Christian Sacred Space and Travel in Early Fourth Century Jerusalem

Marta Antola

Marta Antola

(Durham University) One to rule them all: The γόης of (Plato’s) Ancient Athens

Anactoria Clarke

Anactoria Clarke

(Open University) ‘Time and tide for no man wait’: Cheiron’s qualities complicated in John Updike’s The Centaur

Doukissa Kamini

Doukissa Kamini

(University of Reading) From a mythical exemplum to a heroic cult: Orestes as a representative of power play, (re-)establishment of political authority and expansionism

Claire Pérez

Claire Pérez

(Université Jean Moulin, Lyon) Curtius Rufus’ Roman Reading of the Proskynesis Debate: Theatricality of power and free eloquence in the Histories of Alexander the Great

Rioghnach Sachs

Rioghnach Sachs

(King's College London) Reconciling Aphrodite: The Power of the ‘Weakling’ Goddess in Homer’s Iliad

Chen Xiong

Chen Xiong

(King's College London) Continuity and Innovation in Imperial Inscriptions: Augustus’ Res Gestae and the Stelae of the Qin First Emperor Compared

Kevin Stuart Lee

Kevin Stuart Lee

(The University of Texas at Austin) Cityscapes in Roman Painting: The Amphitheater Riot Fresco as a Piece of “Popular Art”

Laurie Porstner

Laurie Porstner

(Rutgers) Boundaries, Magic, and Popular Religion in two Mosaics from Ancient Thysdrus (El Jem in Tunisia)

Sherry Huang

Sherry Huang

(Texas Tech University) “Solon” and his People: The afterlife of an archaic political personage in late democratic Athens

Amy Lewis

Amy Lewis

(University of Pennsylvania) Introduction to the 'popular' in Classical Antiquity

Maria Galanaki

Maria Galanaki

(Democritus University of Thrace) Conon's Sons and Meidias: Ēthopoiia and Hypokrisis in Demosthenes' Against Conon and Against Meidias

Richard Kendall

Richard Kendall

(University of Birmingham) The Boscoreale Cups: What level of historical specificity was intended in the Tiberius cup?

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

(La Trobe University) United in Grief: Achilles, Alexander and Hadrian

Ben Salisbury

Ben Salisbury

(University of Birmingham) The Status of Plebiscita 494-287 BC

Billie Hall

Billie Hall

(Université de Lille) Book review of Fratantuono, L. M., and Smith, R. (2018). Virgil, Aeneid 8, Leiden, The Netherlands: BRILL.

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